
Project Details

Research development

This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe Research and innovation funding programme under Grant Agreement Project 101079181 — SAME-NeuroID

Standardized approaches to modeling and examination of neuropsychiatric disorders

The SAME-NeuroID project is a joint initiative of Łukasiewicz – PORT (Poland) and outstanding European neuroscience leaders: Paris Brain Institute (France), Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich (Germany), Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam (Netherlands) to accelerate the consortium’s positioning at the forefront of neuropsychiatric research. The scientific focus of this initiative will include standardizing protocols for modeling neurobiological parameters associated with neuropsychiatric disorders, one of the most serious problems in modern society.

Almost 165 million Europeans suffer from various types of mental disorders and brain diseases every year (data from the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology report). Such diseases include depression and anxiety disorders. The scientific focus of this initiative includes the standardization of protocols for modeling neurobiological parameters associated with neuropsychiatric disorders, one of the most serious problems of modern society. In the future, this collaboration may lead to new pharmacological approaches to the treatment of such diseases.

Work packages

Establishing the SAME – NeuroID platform as coherent workflow for in vivo and in vitro reproducible and robust modelling of neuropsychiatric traits: SAME-NeuroID platform, based on validated SOPs.

There are three specific objectives:
– to identify the most reliable, robust and reproducible approaches to study
neuropsychiatric phenotypes;
– to implement unified SOPs across Ł-PORT and partner laboratories for the in vitro
and in vivo components of the platform to ensure the highest quality of research;
– to validate the platform on an example gene (proof of concept).

Successful accomplishment of this WP will significantly expand research capacity of partner laboratories, facilitate translational studies of complex brain microcircuits, increase the visibility of Ł-PORT for international cooperation and strengthen the competitiveness for EU grants and industrial projects.

Building synergies between participating institutions to enable and improve innovation and technology transfer processes both at the level of individual institutes as well as for the whole consortium.

There are following specific objectives:
Implementing corresponding strategies to ensure the appropriate protection of
project results;
Improving skills in institutional innovation management and commercialisation;
Creating future benefits for the consortium by identifying prospective products,
based on the SAME-NeuroID platform, for international partners, big pharma
companies, interested in professional contracts with established research centres;
Exploitation of the research results (the proof-of-concept SAME-NeuroID) and
technology transfer.

Improving the scientific and non-scientific skills of senior Ł-PORT staff (PIs,postdocs and managers) and to ensure continuous excellence at the managerial and the scientific levels.

These goals will be achieved by:
Organizing a series of dedicated training courses covering grant applications,
presentations and publications (MSCA, HE, Pitch talks, Fundraising, Publishing)
and best practices in lab management (GLP, GTP, Regulatory requirements, Data
management, Gender equality).
Frequent interactions with leading scientists from the field through their
seminars at Ł-PORT.
Building a network of commercial and academic collaborators/partners through
the organization of seminars on project topics' and two editions of the 'PORT for
Health: Neuroscience' conference bringing together leaders in the field.

Enabling sustained professional development and career success of the next generation of researchers.

Specific objectives are:
increasing the offer of educational programs offered by the educational
environment of Ł-PORT through exposure to top-notch research environment
offering junior researchers the access to world-class educational programs led by
partner institutes
increasing the mobility of doctoral students
building international networks of collaborators and attending world-class
gaining knowledge of how to plan and manage a career (academia or industry).

Creating an adequate information about the project importance, to develop and
implement a comprehensive communication plan promoting the project and its
results by providing targeted information to multiple audiences. Target groups will
include the scientific community, academic and industrial partners and policy makers
To prepare for sharing project results with potential users and for using the results for
commercial purposes and policy making.

Efficient implementation of the SAME-NeuroID initiative, including administrative
and financial coordination, risk management, internal communication and decision
making process as well as communication with the European Commission. The
project management team appointed by PORT will provide support to the coordinator
and other partners.

Strong foundation for the future design of new therapeutic strategies in psychiatric disorders

An estimated 27% of the EU adult population suffers from at least one mental disorder, often throughout their lives. One reason for this overwhelming statistic is an inadequate understanding of the biological basis of psychiatric illnesses. Recent advances in epidemiological and genetic studies have opened up the possibility of exploring gene-mind relationships.

To take full advantage of these findings, there is a fundamental and urgent need for unified, well-defined models to understand disease mechanisms and identify targets for new therapeutic strategies. The standarization of relevant models forms the core of research collaboration within the Twinning project. The SAME-NeuroID platform, which will be developed with partners, will provide a strong foundation for the future design of new therapeutic strategies in psychiatric disorders.

We help change the future of neuropsychiatry

With a relentless pursuit of knowledge, we unravel the complexities of the mind, unraveling the mysteries that hinder mental well-being. Join us as we pave the way for breakthroughs in neuroscience and offer hope for a brighter future