On October 19th 2023, in the Auditorium of building A, our Young Investigators presented their contributions to the Brain to Market Summer School 2023. The presentation included three main parts:
1. Introduction of the Brain to Market Program.
2. Insight into This Year’s Program.
3. Projects and the Winning Idea.
The presenters, representing research groups, were as follows:
Jakub Chwastek, Müzeyyn Uğur, and Olga Pietrzyk from the Neuroplasticity and Metabolism Research Group.
Ewa Mrówczyńska and Karolina Cierluk from the Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration Research Group.
Congratulations to all participants for their outstanding work!
With a relentless pursuit of knowledge, we unravel the complexities of the mind, unraveling the mysteries that hinder mental well-being. Join us as we pave the way for breakthroughs in neuroscience and offer hope for a brighter future
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