On September 4 – 6, 2023, we hosted nearly 140 scientists from around the world who, at the invitation of the Life Sciences and Biotechnology Center of Łukasiewicz – PORT, took part in conference: PORT for Health: Neuroscience 2023.
The PORT for Health: Neuroscience 2023 conference has become a permanent fixture in the calendar of events organized by Łukasiewicz – PORT. Its aim was again to update knowledge about the causes of neurological diseases. The program included five thematic sessions: cellular models in neurodegeneration, cellular models in neuropsychiatry, neurometabolic disorders, animal models in neuropsychiatry, computational models in neuropsychiatry. During each session, the results of their research were presented by respected scientists from Europe, China and the United States, including: Andrew Holmes (Laboratory of Behavioral and Genomic Neuroscience, NIAAA, Rockville), Dominik Paquet (Laboratory of
Neurobiology, Univ. Hospital, LMU & Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology), and Johannes Passecker (Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine Medical University of Innsbruck). The scientific committee on the Łukasiewicz-PORT side included:
Michał Ślęzak, PhD – leader of the Biology of Astrocytes Research Group. Agnieszka Krzyżosiak, PhD – leader of the Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration Research Group. Witold Konopka, PhD – leader of the Neuroplasticity and Metabolism Research Group. Tomasz Prószyński, PhD – leader of the Synaptogenesis Research Group.
What distinguishes this conference from other scientific events?
– What distinguishes the PORT for Health: Neuroscience 2023 conference from other events is its formula – consistent with the approach to science characteristic of the entire Łukasiewicz – PORT Institute. In our research unit, we do not limit ourselves to research and their publications, but we immediately look for opportunities for implementation in industry – explains Dr. Michał Malewicz, director of the Life Sciences and Biotechnology Center Łukasiewicz – PORT. – We invite the best scientists to give lectures, and the conference is attended by representatives of industry, as well as doctors, clinicians and our partners from hospital centers. Thanks to this, our event becomes a platform for establishing long-term cooperation at the intersection of science and business – adds Dr. Michał Malewicz.
The conferences were also accompanied by matchmaking sessions organized by Industry Contact Point for Medical Technologies and Health. These meetings were an opportunity to exchange ideas and look for partners for international research projects.
The meeting was part of the SAME-NeuroID project funded by the Horizon Europe program.
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