The meeting, titled „Financing innovations in sports and physiotherapy” was led by Monika Ślęzak and started with the presentation „From Zero to Hero.” This presentation offered insights on how to become a coordinator for European projects, focusing on the Twinning Project SamNeuroID. The session concluded with a Q&A.
NeuroHack is a three-day event in the form of a hackathon, during which participants will be divided into teams tasked with developing a product or solution based on an idea for implementation.
For more information about NeuroHack, please visit: SAME-Match-Treat website.
With a relentless pursuit of knowledge, we unravel the complexities of the mind, unraveling the mysteries that hinder mental well-being. Join us as we pave the way for breakthroughs in neuroscience and offer hope for a brighter future
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